The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack is a cartoon tv show for kids on Cartoon Network. Flapjack is a young boy raised by a talking whale named Bubbie. Flapjack, Captain K’nuckles, and Bubbie get into strange misadventures in search of Candied Island. Would you like to learn how to draw the boy who is the star of the show, Flapjack? Below you will find easy, step by step drawing instructions with the following tutorial that kids, teens, and adults can all successfully complete. Look Here to Learn How to Draw Other Flapjack Characters.
How to Draw Flapjack with Easy Step by Step Drawing Lessons
Step 1
Start out the drawing of Flapjack by drawing the basic shapes that make up his form, such as drawing a circle for his head and a much, much smaller oval for his body.
Also draw guidelines in the center of Flapjack’s head. Think of his head as a ball and wrap the guidelines around his head vertically (up and down) and horizontally (left and right). See the picture above to see how I did it.
Step 2
Now that you have the guidelines on Flapjack’s head it will be much easier for you to place the facial features in the right spot. Draw a circle (for each eye) on both sides of the horizontal line, on the top half of the circle. Draw a nose in between the circles.
Step 3
Now draw a bubble letter ‘c’ in each eye for pupils. Fill in each bubble ‘c’.
Step 4
Now draw Flapjack’s smile. See how the guidelines help you…with the use of the guidelines, you can see that each side of the top of the mouth are on the center horizontal line. The smile is so big that it is almost all the way down to the bottom of the circle face. Also draw an eyebrow over each eye.
Step 5
Now draw Flapjack’s teeth. On the top center of Flapjack’s mouth, draw a curvy letter ‘w’ shape. On the bottom of Flapjack’s mouth draw a curvy letter ‘m’ shape.
Step 6
Now draw a curved line on both the left and right side of the mouth. Also draw a tongue on the right side of the mouth. Notice that the tongue looks like a bubble letter ‘p’ without the circle in the center.
wow this is helpfull
Thanks i love flap jack!