Did you ever wonder how to draw a duck…such as the typical Mallard duck that you see floating in your local park? Below you will find a simple step by step drawing lesson for kids, teens, and adults. Enjoy.
How to Draw Ducks Step by Step Drawing Lesson
Step 1
First, draw a jelly bean-like shape.
Step 2
Now above, and to the right of the jelly bean shape, draw a circle with a line through it.
Step 3
Draw a circle for the eye shape. Also start drawing the wing and legs as well.
Step 4
Now finish up the week….finish up the leg and wing as well.
Step 5
Now add some details like we did above.
[tags]draw ducks, drawing ducks, how to draw ducks, ducks, draw birds, how to draw, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, drawing[tags]
i am trying to learn to draw a duck for my baby cosin for christmas cuz ducks are her favorite thing, and this really helped.