Step 14
Now draw Marge’s dress.
Step 15
Now draw Marge Simpson’s feet…notice the letter / number shapes within the feet.
Step 16
Draw the inside of Marge’s shoes by drawing 2 number ‘7’ or letter ‘L’ like shapes.
Step 17
Now draw 2 number ‘3’ like shapes.
Step 18 – Finished Marge Simpson Drawing Lessons
Now you just have to erase lines that you don’t need and outline the ‘correct’ lines with a black pen or marker. Making thick, interesting lines instead of the thin pencil lines makes quite a difference in the end result, doesn’t it? If you are having problems figuring out which lines to erase, then reference my drawing (above) for help. Now you will have an amazing cartoon Marge Simpson drawing to show off to your friends.
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Technorati Tags: draw Marge Simpson, drawing Marge Simpson, how to draw Marge Simpson, Marge Simpson drawing, Marge Simpson drawing tutorials, The Simpsons, how to draw The Simpsons, drawing for kids, drawing for children, how to draw, drawing tutorials, drawing lessons, drawing step by step
That’s really good she is my favourite chacters MARGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this so awesome thanks
this socool to draw
Oh wow! This was amazing and really easy!
Thanks a lot!
for all those who say where is the rest of the body if u follow all the steps u get the whole body
Wow thats an awesome toutoralmine cameout good 1!!!!!
Cool mine came out awsome!!
wasnt that funny wat i wrote
where da heck is the rest of de body!!! CAN U “PLEASE” SHOW THEREST OF ‘MARGESIMPONS’ i mean honestly the do a picture and stop at the middle and u avent even finished this website sucks and my child went to school and came back crying coz she thouhgt dat the picture was finished and and went toschool and she showed the class and every one wos laughing at my 6 year old daughter!! how stuiped this website is!! i going to call the police and ban this website coz one of the people on dis thing was abusing my lovely 9 years old daughter!!! this thing is tipical!i thought u could do better than dat u fools!! whos the owner and i wanna talk to youcum to my houe at TN24 3HG at old farm lane number 38! if you dont cum then u are going to be arrested coz my husband is a police and i’ll tellhim a lye and he’ll belive me and tell the police offic agent and you will be in big trouble! (Im just kidingnthis is all a joke! im not even a adult im only 10!! and ii dont live in TN24 3HG at old farm lane number 34 or 38 cant remeberwat i said! lol)
Can you please show me the rest of the steps .( Including the hair!)
It is all there… you have to click on to the ‘next page’ link at the bottom and top of the tutorial page.
good picture but can you show me the rest of the picture for the next steps please because i am trying to draw marge simpson so can you please show me the rest of the steps
thanks sinceroly kate