Step 7
Now draw the gums behind the teeth by re-tracing the line that you drew in step #5. Also draw a letter ‘w’ like shape for the tongue.
Step 8
Now lightly sketch the basic shapes that make up the form of the dragon…with oval like shapes, as pictured above.
Step 9
Now you can go ahead and draw the arms by using the outline that you drew in the previous step to help you draw it. Each hand is a circle-ovalish like shape. Draw the claws as letter ‘v’ like shapes (closed with a curved line).
Step 10
Now draw the right leg by using the outline as a guide. Draw claws again.
Step 11
Draw the left leg. Draw a backwards number ‘7’ shape for the inside of the leg. Draw claws too.
Step 12
Draw the tail of the dragon by tracing the outline.
Step 13
Draw a letter ‘v’ like shape to the right of the dragon’s ear. Draw a letter ‘L’ like shape under the left arm. Draw a backwards letter ‘L’ under the right arm. Draw squiggly lines at the back of the tail as well as a zig-zag shape at the very end.
I didn’t do it yet but it looks so so cool and fun.
awesome.i love toothless.i could not get the drawing at first but i learnt and drew it perfectly after seeing this
I love Toothless the Dragon, he is awesome! I love dragons in general.
Dragon are my favorite, I wish they were real.
it was very cool
Soooooo cooool!!! I really like dragons, toothless is my favorite!! Thank you soooo much, it helped alot!!!
it was soon cooool
Keeping this lesson and a boat load of your others lessons close at hand. You make it easy to look like I know what I’m doing. (lol, I won’t tell if you don’t tell)heehee.
Actually I shared the heck out of your site.
Wow, thanks Lorri! If I didn’t have a boatload of kids I would have had the time to see your comment earlier. Sorry.
Nice toothless!!!!!!!!;)
what’s with everyones grammar
I didn’t draw toothless like this but i draw pretty well. And I will try this.
OK I don’t mean to brag…but DANG. Mine turned out GOOD. But I couldn’t have done it without this tutorial. I’ve loved to draw Toothless every since the first movie came out. This definitely made it A LOT easier!! Thnx!! 🙂
Hm inspiring :3
I’ve done numerous drawings with your tutorials and they turned out great; your drawings were extremely helpful. Thank you. Could you maybe do some hobbit or LOR themed tutorials some time?
how do you draw the rest of his body
You have to click thru to the 2nd page of the tutorial (at the bottom of the tutorial, there should be a ‘Next Page’ drop down box or link.
this is so awesome
It was really helpful thanks
xxxxx thankyouxxxxxx i love your website
you helped me a lot thank you
thanks this helped me a lot
This is so cool !
So cool
That helped sooooooooOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOO Much!!!!!!!!
I adore dragons ( especially this character )!!! Also I just finished it and I used 3 pieces of paper! GREAT!
It really helped! Try and do different positions and expressions on another page- I want to draw more!!!
it was fun drawing but it didn’t help me at all
Wow this helped I am still wanting to know how to draw manga because I suck ill go to that page lol
haahahah lol i watched this movie a thousand times but Toothless is soooooo cute
Seriously, very nice info. I went ahead and book marked at Digg because I think it’s really worth sharing. Keep them coming.
But it’s only the stanken head! dumb…
You need to click thru to the next page -where it says ‘NEXT PAGE’
Some tutorials have more than just one page. This is one of them. Down under the last step for the head there is a ‘NEXT PAGE’ button. This one had three pages in all.
Wow that was strange. I just wrote an incredibly long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t show up. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Regardless, just wanted to say wonderful blog!
Oh,and one more little thing: did any of you watch “legend of the boneknapper dragon”?
YES!!! Love that one!! I’ve seen it 2 or 3 times. It’s pretty awesome!
And I have a question can you post pictures?
look i dont know if you’ve noticed,but I got a better picure then that my picture is of his whole body I’ve drew 4 pictures of him of couse,I gave 1 away oh, and one more thing I don’t care if you’re with someone else or you’re texting,but enough with the you=u and the why=y and the are=r I hate that and what the hell is LOL jamie the wolf?
this website helped so much oh thank god. ()() <3 <3
I love ………………………… mysilth so much people love ME
i wish toothless were my pet dragon diego
me to. I LOVE toothless
hey thanks it turned out great an the steps were easy to fallow. my girlfriend was wanting m to draw a picture of toothless for her an i just happened to click on this page today thanks
This totally rocks dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This changed how I like draw FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mine wasn’t to good but at least i enjoy drawing him… I LOVE TOOOOOTHLESS 🙂 🙂 :3:3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in the books, toothless is a common/garden dragon. why is he a “night fury” dragon in the film?
i thought i would be drawing a cute little dragon but instead it came up with one i didnt expect, its still a good drawing though!!
I would love you if you posted more guides to draw toothless at different angles, maybe a happy toothless, or that moment when toothless puts his head into hiccups hand
i love your drawings
toothless rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank i drew it who thinks it is cool please email me the owner (jamie buterworth) age 10
This is a fabulous picture to draw of toothless. i think i need some more paper and i might almost be able to draw toothless as good as it is drawn up the top.
from night fury
i need bigger paper but helping a lot i could no draw him at all lol from jamie the wolf
when i first drew him,it looked like a devil with horns!i wish toothless was mine!
i love toothless! wish he was mine 😉
😀 This is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! He’s one of my FAVORITE HTTYD(How to Train your Dragon) characters!!! :O How’d you learn how to draw him? (Gasp!) You must be a Fan too! 😉 Thanks alot!!!!
-Michael the Fox 😉
when i first drew it looked like a money with horns lol
Much thanks this has helped me make him look much better then before 😀
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You really helped me I couldn’t find this anywere else. You rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.u<
this sure helped
AWESOME! Helped alot