Do you want to learn how to draw some farm animals…why not start with how to draw chickens and hens. The following tutorial will help guide you step by step through the simple process of drawing chickens and hens. Kids, teens, and adults can all complete this drawing lesson if they take care to follow the steps. Good luck.
How to Draw Chickens & Hens with Easy Step by Step Drawing Lesson
Step 1
First draw a circle for the eye, and a smaller circle (filled in with black) for the pupil. Around this, draw a sideways number ‘9 that isn’t completely closed, for the chicken’s head.
Step 2
For the bottom of the chicken’s body draw a curved line, like a sideways letter ‘c’.
Step 3
Now draw the hen’s tail by drawing a curved line similar to a sideways letter ‘J’.
Step 4
Now draw a curved line for the hen’s wing feathers. Draw 2 slanted lines that sort of resemble a number ’11’. Draw a beak by drawing a sideways letter ‘v’. And draw the thing on the top of the chicken’s head, called the comb, by drawing a bunch of wiggly lines.
Step 5
Draw a line through the beak for the part that opens and closes. Draw a bunch of feathers by by drawing sideways letter ‘J’ curves. Also draw the claws on each of the hen’s feet, which sort of resemble a pointy letter ‘M’ or a letter ‘V’ with a line in the center.
Step 6 – Finish the Chicken / Hen Drawing Tutorial
Now just adds some details such as more feather lines, the wattle (the thing under the chicken’s beak). Also darken the outside lines and erase any lines that you might not need. It would also look nice if you took out your watercolors, colored pencils, markers or any other items that you might want to color the chicken with.
Technorati Tags: draw chickens, drawing chickens, how to draw chickens, draw hens, drawing hens, how to draw hens, how to draw, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, drawing step by step, drawing for kids
Nice, I like the way you tried your best to explain the details. Good job
You really tried our teacher gives us the assignment in school….thanks a lot
It’s very easy to draw n thanks
that was sooooooo easy to draw and quick as well thanks for your help!!!
Awesome! You’re welcome!
it was pretty meh!
Thought this very helpful as i am no way near a farm. easy to do and can now experiment doing free line drawing. Thanks
it’s so cool! Thank you so much for this!!!:D It is the best hen I ever drew!
The first steps looked totally DRATER!!!! lol!!!! But it turned out to look AWESOME!!!!!!!
its awesome
What about some 3/4 views plus hehs pecking and evn back views so you can draw a flock?