We have showed you how to draw Anime /Manga bodies, faces / heads, facial features, children / kids, etc…now we will show you how to draw Anime Robots. Robots are rarely shown in Anime shows, but if you want to learn how to draw them, then there is a drawing tutorial below. Here are Our Other Manga / Anime Drawing Lessons
How to Draw Manga / Anime Robots Step by Step
First Anime Robot Character : Step 1
Robots are nothing but a set of boxes gathered together to form a human like figure. It is easier to draw robots when you think this way, since boxes are the most primitive shape composed on the boxy nature of the robotic body. Take a look at the picture above to see what I am talking about.
Begin with drawing regular and irregular boxy shapes until you can make a human like figure. This helps to establish good proportions as well as easy body parts and props placement.
First Anime Robot Character : Step 2
Use your creativity and turn the primitive shapes into something more unique and robot-like. Tweak the shapes until you can come up with something desirable to you.
First Anime Robot Character : Step 3
Add more details and finalize the drawing. You can make almost any type of robotic character out of a box.
First Anime Robot Character : Step 4
Starting from a box model can make robot construction a lot easier and with good solid proportions.
First Anime Robot Character : Step 5
Now add shading and final detail work…add colors if you want to.
2nd Anime Robot Character : Step 1
Spheres and other round shapes can also be a good foundation for drawing robots. Some mechanical characters are not really a boxy type, this is where spheres can prove its usefulness.
This robot is composed of round body parts and makes it a lot easier to build his structure.
2nd Anime Robot Character : Step 2
Now trace the outline of the shapes that you sketched out in the last step. Now add a bit of detail to make it look more like a robot.
2nd Anime Robot Character : Step 3
Now clean up the sketch, add details, and shading as well. Now add color if you want to.
Here are Our Other Manga / Anime Drawing Lessons
Technorati Tags: manga robots, anime robots, draw manga robots, drawing manga robots, draw anime robots, drawing anime robots, robots, drawing robots, draw robots, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, how to draw, draw manga, draw anime, draw anime body, draw anime bodies, draw manga body, draw manga bodies
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