Today, we will show you how to draw Lilo, from Lilo and Stitch movie and television series. Lilo is a young, energetic Hawaiian girl with long, straight black hair and brown eyes. She has a relationship with Stitch, her pet, that is more like siblings and best friends. Today we will show you how to draw Lilo with easy instructional steps. Have fun.
Find More Lilo and Stitch Characters Tutorials Here.
How to Draw Lilo from Lilo and Stitch with Easy Step by Step Drawing Lesson
Step 1
Step 1) Draw an oval for the head and mark two guiding lines for the eyes and the nose. Draw the eyes, the nose and the mouth (see the picture)
Step 2
Step 2) Draw the ear, (notice that it is placed on the “eye-line” ). Continue with the eyes (see the picture)
Step 3
Step 3) Now, draw the mouth, that we marked in step 1. Add the eyebrows and then start drawing the hair.
Step 4
Step 4) Continue with the hair and add more detail. Mark the hight of the body (about one head and a half) Then, starting from right below the ear draw and moving down to the feet draw a curve like a bow – see the picture. Clean up you drawing – erase all the marks and lines that we don’t need any more.
Step 5
Step 5) Draw the arm. Notice that its shape is comprised of a circle for the hand, an oval for the forearm, and a rounded-corner rectangle for the arm. For the fish, draw a circle like you see in the picture, mark the line through the center of the circle and draw a curve through the center of the circle to mark the shape of the body of the fish (notice that the center of the circle is placed on the hand’s circle)
Step 6
Step 6) Now, draw the fins and mark the fish’s mouth. Draw Lilo’s shoulder. Clean up – erase all guiding lines and marks.
Step 7
Step 7) Continue with the fish – draw the eye and finish the mouth. Draw the dress and the feet (notice the two curves coming from the center of the circle that we drew for the fish, use them and the long curve in shape of a bow for guidance)
Step 8
Step 8) Draw the fingers and the elbow to finish with the left hand, then draw the right hand. Draw the toes. Finish the hair. Clean up you drawing.
Step 9
Step 9) Add more detail to your drawing: to the fins and to the dress. Draw the flower in Lilo’s hair.
Step 10
Step 10) Continue adding more detail to the fish and Lilo’ hair. Clean up your drawing – it should look neat – make all the lines smooth and clear, erase all auxiliary marks and lines.
Step 11
That’s it! Let’s get down to coloring! 🙂
Step 12
And now to colorize Lilo…here are her traditional colors.
Find More Lilo and Stitch Characters Tutorials Here.
Technorati Tags: lilo and stitch, lilo, draw lilo, drawing lilo, how to draw lilo, draw lilo and stitch, cartooning, draw cartoons, drawing for kids, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials
This is so helpful!!!!
I think this website is amazing. I’m not sure if you guys even still post tutorials on this site but if you do, please continue. I suck at drawing and I love this site soooo much!!!
Thanks Raquel!