Maintain Proportions of Cut Figures
When you are drawing part of a figure in a panel, you must be sure that the parts shown are in correct proportion to the figure as a whole. Here are two drawings of a man reaching for an apple. In the drawing below, the hand of the man as shown in the Panel couldn’t possibly belong to man seen because his arms couldn’t be that long.
Composition in Comic Strips
In cartooning, composition is used solely to point up your gag or draw attention to the action of your characters in a story. Composition is the tool you use to add clarity to your work, much as re-writing and elimination add punch to your gag or story. You most be aware of it with every line you draw.
Like politics, composition is a subject people can argue about forever and arrive nowhere. There are no hard and fast rules —your composition-sense will grow to be as personal to you as your style of drawing. However, certain things catch and interest the reader’s eye, others repel it. We have tried here to give you a few important fundamentals to start you off.
This is a part of your art that should keep growing with every new picture ‘you draw. Think when you draw: think of blacks and think of’ whites — will this or that line help guide or distract your reader’s eye? If a line or tone doesn’t help direct the eye to the right spot, change it or eliminate it.
Can you tell me the proportions (in Cm) for drawing a daily weekday newspaper comic strip? (Also the bigger Sunday strip)
I don’t know what to do it on???
You might want to buy a large drawing pad, that is what I used to use.