Imagine that you are standing in the middle of the road. Notice how the road seems to get narrower and narrower until the sides meet at a vanishing point on the horizon. The telephone poles get smaller and smaller until they disappear – on the horizon. A line drawn along the top of the telephone poles, above your eye level, slopes down to the horizon. A line drawn along the base of the poles, below your eye level, slopes up to the horizon. Find out how to draw this Spring-Time Landscape using Perspective with the following step by step drawing tutorial. Have fun.
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How to Draw Spring Landscape Scene in One Point Perspective Drawing Tutorial
Before we start drawing this Spring landscape and road in perspective, let me give you a quickie lesson in Perspective Drawing or Reference this Tutorial on One Point Perspective.
Linear perspective is represented by lines. These lines, if drawn from the top and bottom of an object, seem to run to one point, far in the distance. You can see this when you stand in the middle of a road (DON’T REALLY STAND IN THE MIDDLE OF A ROAD PLEASE)….like the one that we will be drawing today. Notice how as you look further down the road, the road seems to be getting narrower, the fence’s rails appear to be closer together, and the telephone poles see to be getting closer together too (as well as much tinier).
Step 1
Draw a line with a dot in the middle of this line…this dot is the vanishing point
What is a Vanishing Point?
You have, no doubt, seen a balloon go up, and noticed, when you were close to it, how large it was, and how as it went higher and farther, it grew smaller and smaller, and you watched it sailing through the sky, till it was a mere speck, and at last it was out of sight. This point, where the balloon goes out of sight, is called the vanishing point. The true horizon line, is where the lines drawn from the top and bottom of a row of houses, men, or other objects, meet and this horizon line is the point where the land and sky meet, and is always on a level with the eye.
Step 2
Now get out a ruler or a straight edged surface and draw a bunch of lines to the vanishing point, as I did in the picture above.
Step 3
Now draw a bunch of vertical (lines that go up and down) lines attached to the lines that you drew in the previous step. Make sure that they get closer together as you get closer to the vanishing point. Start drawing the tree as well.
Step 4
Now we are going to draw the barn….draw 3 lines towards the vanishing point again.
Step 5
Draw 2 vertical lines…and 2 other lines that aren’t vertical.
Step 6
Now put in some more details.
Step 7
Add more details by looking at our finished picture.
You Might Also Enjoy Our Other Perspective Drawing Lessons and Our Other Seasons Tutorials
Technorati Tags: spring, spring landscape, one point perspective, 1 point perspective, one pt perspective, drawing in perspective, landscapes, drawing landscapes, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, drawing for kids
This is amazing 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼. <3 <3 😉 🙂
This is an amazing website!
there needed to be a video to tell us what to do then we could follow and understand the steps but i had fun over all
I agree. 😐 😐 📺📺📺📺📼📼📼 we do need a video.
How would they not give us a video? FOR REAL!
Look I love drawing and all but I can’t do this without a video.
but i did have fun over all
there needed to be a video to tell us how to do then we could follow the steps
Really cool! My drawing came out awesome! I will definitely recommend this to others!
I wish it was an EASY STEP BY STEP to but it was fun trying to draw it. Can you draw ancient history drawings
Cool website veryy amazing
I wish they can do STEP BY STEP, so it can it can help more:(. But it was fun trying!
Alright then watch a video in slow mo
I know right!!!
this is nice thanks
I literally drew this in 7.33 minutes. My advanced art teacher timed me to see if I could draw any faster and I did, I also got my Advanced Art Key Card, so I can go in and out of the school and the school’s art rooms at any time! Thank you so much for making this super easy to understand!
You make it look sooo easy! I love drawing and i’m always looking for something new! Thanks!
Wow, this help me a lot in my exam! Thanks for the tutorial!
I had to do this for school and I was slightly disappointed as I learned how to do this in first grade… Oh well. The finished design helped me draw a bit more realistically.
Thank you so much I am so happy for you!
this is hard to draw and thanks to this site our teaher is making us draw it so thanks alot
lol you salty like a sardeen.?
Bra. Thats Sad. I do not feel bad for you. ;););)
I didnt use the whole thing but it still came out ok.
Thanks for da awesome tutorial
Oooohh its awesome
It’s a fantastic and eay way to draw!
Spring Landscape Drawing Tutorial! | glittergal2002
[…] Spring Landscape Drawing Tutorial! […]
its very easy drawing
Very clear. I thoroughly enjoyed the exercise. On to the next one.
Thank you very much.
I love this you make it so clear
it was so easy 🙂
nice i draw it.. thump up :))
its so easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You make it SO clear! SO simple. Where have you been before I found you? Wish I had known about you sooner. I LOVE this site!
You make it SO clear! SO simple. Where have you been before I found you?
Thanks for the step by step! I posted your page to my fb wall, too.
not nice we want easy spring season referance
love this site great instruction. definitly will use again
I <3 the site!!!! Its sooooo helpful!!!!!! I used the site for my homework a view weeks ago and when my teacher marked it he said it was my best drawing yet and told me to keep up the good work!!!!! The sit is soooooo easy to use and the instructions are REALY CLEAR!!!!! I will defo recamend this site!!!!
Thank you soooooooo much for letting me know that the site helped you! I am so happy for you!
WOW best tutorial i have EVR used! publish more seasons plz this is perfect
i love this tutorial