Today we will show you how to draw Jimmy Neutron from the animated TV show on Nickelodeon … The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. Although he is a computer animated creation, we will show you how to draw Jimmy as a line drawing. Find out how to draw him easily, with step by step instructions below. Have fun.
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How to Draw Jimmy Neutron in Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
Use circles, lines, rectangles and ovals to draw a basic shape
Step 2
Use rectangles to draw arms and legs shape
Step 3
Draw face, ears and hair contour
Step 4
Now, draw body, shirt and arms
Step 5
Make some shoes and add pants
Step 6
Draw ear and hair details and also add shirt logo and pants details
Step 7
Draw face details
Step 8
And there it is … that wasn’t so hard. You just drew Jimmy Neutron all by yourself. Awesome! I hope that you had a lot of fun.
Step 9
You Might Also Enjoy Our Tutorials for the other Jimmy Neutron Characters
Technorati Tags: jimmy neutron, neutron, drawing jimmy neutron, how to draw jimmy neutron, drawing lessons, drawing for kids, how to draw, cartooning, draw cartoons
Can you do a drawing tutorial of Yarn Yoshi?
Can you do his dad, Hugh Neutron?
Am glad about all the tutorial
i lovedd drawinqq jimmy neutron !
teheh i like the way you teach how to draw.
maybe yuu can teach thruu vidsz mejor?
I’m glad that you liked drawing Jimmy. I couldn’t tell who you were asking me to draw though.