How to Draw Waluigi on a Motor Bike Motorcycle from Wii Mario Kart

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Step 6

Add an oval at the base of the egg shape.

Step 7

Draw the arms next, one stretched to the handlebars and the other folded….do this by drawing ovals.

Step 8

For the legs, draw long lines that thin downwards. Draw an egg shape for the feet.

Step 1 : Drawing the Face

Since the face is what usually causes people the most trouble…I have simplified the face into simpler parts…such as letters, numbers, and simple shapes. Draw an oval for the nose (highlighted in green) that looks like an upside down ‘u’ at the top and a letter ‘v’ at the bottom. For the eyes, draw sideways capital letter ‘D’ shapes (highlighted in blue). Above the eyes, draw the rim of the hat by drawing 2 curved lines. Draw number ‘3’ shapes (highlighted in red) for the ears. Draw an oval (highlighted in red) at the top of the hat’s rim.

Step 2 : Drawing the Face

Draw an upside down, capital letter ‘L’ inside the oval on the hat (highlighted in red). There is an ‘x’ shape (made up of 2 letter ‘u’ shapes) in the center of the eyes (highlighted in red). Draw an oval (highlighted in green) in the center of the oval shape that you drew earlier. Draw a pickle shape for the mouth (highlighted in blue). Draw a number ‘3’ shape on both sides of the face (highlighted in purple). Draw a letter ‘J’ in both ears (highlighted in purple too).

Step 3 : Drawing the Face

For the mustache, Draw a letter ‘W’ shape and draw a letter ‘U’ shape for the chin (both highlighted in purple).

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