Today we will show you how to draw Goku from Dragon Ball Z. (Sorry that I first titled it as Gohu, I don’t watch this show). Learn how to draw Goku with the following step by step drawing lesson. Learn to Draw Gohan here.
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How to Draw Gohan from Dragon Ball Z with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
Draw a triangle with rounded corners on top of an odd shaped oval.
Step 2
Draw some more basic shapes…including 3 ovals…and some lines.
Step 3
Lightly draw some more ovals to take on the basic shapes of his muscular arms. Also draw some lines to represent rectangular legs.
Step 4
Now lightly draw a circle around his head … this is where we will draw the basic shapes of his hair. Also draw lowercase ‘e’ or #6 like shapes for fingers on his right hand. Also draw some stick legs and ovals for feet and ankles.
Step 5
Now draw the hair within the circle. Notice that I made the hair different colors to show you that the more advanced shapes can be broken down into simpler, easier-to-draw shapes. Also draw stick fingers and circles as well.
Woohoo. I love it. I think my drawing is better now thankz
Still your draw is pro, this is adult Goku, battle damaged (vs Frieza i think)
This is adult Gohan :
This is adult Gohan from an aleternative future :
AND this is adult Goku (Namek period) :
If you can see it says gohan for some apperent reason
Also a bit evil
It looks like he is Bardock
that is goku doing one of krillin’s signatur moves(destructo disc)
This Drawing,is called: Pro. Good Working
This drawing, is called: Pro. Good Working 🙂
I dont get it. You call Gohan Goku and Goku Gihan. Yet your instuctions are yousful. And you dont even watch the show!
I’m confused…I had it one way and changed it because somebody told me that I had it wrong. Now you are telling me that I have it wrong after I fixed it. That means it was right the first time. I am in my 30s so I don’t watch this show. Can you please tell me … is this Goku?
I dont get it. You call Goku Gohan and Gohan Goku.
buts it still goku 🙂
I know…I’m sorry…I’ll try to get a gohan tutorial up soon.
Ankit – Here is the Gohan drawing tutorial.
This is an awesome drawing
It is true that is not gohan it’s gOku……….
Thank you – I feel a little stupid now. 🙂
That is Goku -.-