Today I’ll show you how to draw this cool optical illusion that looks like a boy is falling through grid paper out into space. This is a fun doodle to learn how to draw. It isn’t too hard to draw, which is one of the things that makes it fun to draw. Learn how to draw this cartoon boy falling through this 3-dimensional grid paper with blocks / cubes flying out into space along with the cartoon boy. Have fun and happy drawing!
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Learn How to Draw Cool Things : Draw an Opening in Grid Paper with Cubes Floating Away and Cartoon Boy Falling into Space Through Simple Steps Drawing Lesson for Beginners
Written-Out Step by Step Drawing Instructions
(Step 1) Very lightly draw a grid with pencil…these lines will be erased later.
(Step 2) Use the grid to make a design, but it doesn’t need to look exactly like mine, as long as you stay along the lines as I did.
(Step 3) Draw squares on the outside of the design…the squares should be a bit off of the grid, as mine are. Inside the design from step #2, draw much smaller cubes that are tilted a bit.
(Step 4) On each of the left-ish corners, draw diagonal lines that go halfway through the square. Do this also on the corners on the right that jut outwards.
(Step 5) Do this as well on the outer squares.
(Step 6) Draw lines on the smaller inner squares as well. Notice that the lines are at a slightly different angle than the previous lines.
(Step 7) Now draw vertical lines on the inner design. Draw letter ‘L’ shapes on the squares.
(Step 8) Draw horizontal lines now.
(Step 9) Erase parts of the grid that were inside the design from step #2. Also erase grid lines that were overlapping cubes. Then use a pen to darken the grid.
(Step 10) Now we are drawing the boy. Draw a letter ‘U’ shape with a circle in it.
(Step 11) Draw another circle for the other eye. Draw a backwards letter ‘C’ for the right ear. Draw letter ‘L’-like shapes for arms.
(Step 12) Draw dots in the eyes. Draw curved lines for the forehead and the sides of the body. Draw a letter ‘c’ shapes for the collar and a sideways ‘?’ shape for the mouth.
(Step 13) Draw zig-zag shape at top of head…and a line on the right side of head. Draw letter ‘C’ shapes in ears and for the left ear. Draw a sideways ‘?’ again to finish the outer line of the mouth.
(Step 14) Draw lines on side of hair. Draw curved lines for eye brows. Draw a line on each arm. Draw diagonal lines for legs.
(Step 15) Draw a curved line for the nose. Draw a curved line for the tongue. Draw inner line for the legs.
(Step 16) Draw zig-zag shape for top of hair. Draw a letter ‘L’ shape on left arm and a line for right arm.
(Step 17) Draw a line and ‘?’ shape on each hand (sorry it looks like a line is missing on right hand). Draw lines on bottom of shirt and on bottom of the pants.
(Step 18) Draw a #3 shape on each hand. Draw a ‘?’-like curve for tops of shoes.
(Step 19) Draw a curved line on each hand. Draw a curved line on bottom of shoes.
(Step 20) Draw another #3 shape on each hand. Draw a line on each shoe.
(Step 21) Draw a curved line on each hand. Draw a sideways #3 shape on the bottom of each shoe.
(Step 22) Color in the background of the hole black.
(Step 23) Draw the right side of each exposed block and cube dark gray. Draw the front of each exposed block and cube light gray.
(Step 24) Draw a light gray shadow on the right side of each outer cube. Darken the shadow of each of the dark gray / light gray shadow – on the top, as I did.
(Step 25) Color in the boy.
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Technorati Tags: how to draw cool stuff, how to draw cool things, 3d, 3-dimensional, optical illusion, illusion, optical illusions, boy floating into space, boy falling backwards, falling backwards, 3d paper, grid paper, drawing trick, drawing tricks
This was really cool. It tricked and impressed my friends with it.