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Step 7
Draw the top of the baby’s mouth on the 2nd to the last guideline that you drew in step #3.
Step 8
Now shade in the top lip as seen above.
Step 9
Now draw the bottom lip and shade it in as well.
Step 10
Now draw a circle for both eyes.
Step 11
Now darken the correct lines around the face and draw the ears from the top of the eyes down to the bottom of the nose.
Step 12
Now draw in the ears’ details.
Step 13
Draw in the pupil as a dark circle. Then draw the highlight above the pupil by drawing a square-like shape and then shade in the rest of the iris.
Step 14
Now draw a few stray hairs on top of the baby’s head.
Proportions of the Baby’s Face
This image just shows you the proportions of the baby’s head. Notice that the baby’s facial features don’t start until the 2nd half of the face.
Step 15 – Finished Drawing of a Baby’s Face Front View
This is how the finished baby’s face looks. Of course all babies have different faces, but you can alter the face to look like the baby that you are drawing. Good luck.
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Technorati Tags: draw baby, drawing baby, how to draw baby, draw babies, drawing babies, how to draw babies, how to draw, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, drawing step by step, baby, babies, draw faces, drawing faces, draw heads, drawing heads
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Love your tutorial I was able to come close to your drawing for my granddaughter who wanted a picture of her baby doll. Thank you
That’s awesome!
wow! mine turned out better than most of my drawings!! i really do recommend this tutorial???????
Good luck, I tried it and didn’t work out too well… but love this face??
thats how ours turned out
the baby face is super cute, and i feel really good about myself now
I feel really good with myself now. it is so cute!
wow. that’s nice for you
my picture turned out really well, and I feel really good with myself now. it is so cute!
Great tutorial. My pic turned out better than I had hoped. Still plenty of room for improvement, but nevertheless I am quite pleased with my baby drawing. Thank you.
My baby turned out wonderful. I made the ears upside down, but it’s ok. We learn from our mistakes. Next time I need to draw baby tats. Please give a tutorial about a skull tat. I had to draw red eye lashes and it turned out like makeup. Thanks for the idea of a baby makeup, I am making a new brand. I just wish there is make up for my baby drawing. Love to all!! I love your baby and I wish I can make my baby perfect like yours.
My baby turned out wonderful. I made the ears upside down, but it’s ok. We learn from our mistakes. Next time I need to draw baby tats. Please give a tutorial about a skull tat. Love to all!!
my baby looks like it got pooped out by a crocodile
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I needed to draw a baby(along with multiple other things) for my art class and this tutorial helped SOOOOO MUCH!! Mine didn’t turn out great but at least it looked real…kinda. But still <3 <3 <3 😀
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I needed to draw a baby(along with multiple other things) for my art class and this tutorial helped SOOOOO MUCH!! Mine didn’t turn out great but at least it looked real…kinda. But still ❤???????????????
Lol me though. But still lol- lots of love
This Was so awesome lol if you don’t know what that mean you are stupid it mean SC laughing out loud ???????????????????????
This is a very cool tutorial. Thanks!
I never did faces before, because I never had the confidence but seeing this guide I decided to try it and I got great results. I believe I will be doing a lot of faces from now on! Thank you so very much for your time and experience.
How. Do. People. Do it. And who’s the artist who drew the baby in the tutorial? the tutorial was very educational and easy to follow, but my drawing skills are not unto par, and i find myself with a mutant baby head. Thanks again for the tips!
This is a wonderful way to get kids around my age to draw!!!!!❤️???????❣???❤️???????????❤️???????????❣❤️???????????❣
This is …………………..
This tutorial is just what I have been looking for. Thank you!
thx you have no idea no idea home much this helped i suck at drawing and im doing a project for art and you just save me
I am cb receipt.I feel very lucky to discover your blog. I really appreciate your hard work.thank you very much for posting about this.
mede it perfect in 1st attempt……………..
Cool! My baby didnt turn out great but its not terrible either, i just couldnt get the head shape right.
Just try again. The best way is to very, very lightly draw the shape with a loose arm….just barely touching the paper. You will eventually get the right shape and then you darken the correct lines.
i cant get the ears :`(
thanks for the steps
Thanks so much for this tutorial. I’ve been trying to paint portraits of my little Granddaughters, to no positive avail. Trouble placing the eyes, nose ears and mouth in the correct proportion. This will be a great tool as I continue to strive for a painting I can show the family, and be proud of. Linda
You’re welcome. I’m so glad that it helped. 🙂
WOW! thank you soooooo much! it turned out adorable!
that is so awesome
This drawing was just what I was looking for and it was a really cool drawing and mine came out great!!!
thanks so much!
I love how you put (girl)
This is an awsome drawing mine came out great!
mine didn’t it tured out like it looked like a man mixed with a baby because the top lip looked like a mustashe
This turned out excellent for me. I noticed if u pay close attention, and focus, you can really get it. And I added eyelashes to make it look like my baby girl. I love it.
Thats awesome, Haley. Paying attention to details is sometimes really hard to do, but you DID IT!
Thanks! That helps! It is a good insturctional and practice peice. I appreciate it.
You are very welcome!
Thank you, helped me a lot in learning to draw a babyface :o)
OMG. I love it, mine came out awesome, I really love it.
Thats awesome!
Hi person that made this website. I can tell you one thing…. YOU ARE AMAZING AT DRAWING!!!!! You should make a YouTube channel!!! Unless you already have one…? Just a suggestion?… Thank you so much for the tips, they were very helpful. Also how old are you? Not trying to be a stalker. If your my age that is SOOOOOO good if your not that’s still good, hope that didn’t sound offensive?. Sorry that was really long I should end this (I talk a lot, Sorry again?.)
Thank you sooo much>?
thank you ,i love how i drew it=]
Thanks. 😉
I drew it , it kinda turned out good on it’s own but it doesn’t look anything like this pic but it’s ok cuz it looks a lot better and besides I didn’t use a ruler or the steps I just looked at the final drawing
omg i just cant get the eyes, nose and the hair i cant explain why but i tried and it came out allright so it was an intresting part of my day.
mine was okay…
This picture is so cute but i cant quite get the ears nose and mouth. (which is mostly all of the face).