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Do you want to learn how to draw Pidgey, one of the most popular of all Pokemon characters amongst boys and girls? I have put together a step-by-step tutorial that will help you figure out how to draw Pidgey by using simple shapes to build up Pidgey’s form. This is an intermediate cartooning tutorial that older kids, teens, and adults will enjoy. Even some younger children might be able to draw Pidgey if you stand by to help with the instructions. Enjoy!
More Pokemon Drawing Tutorials
How to Draw Pidgey from Pokemon for Kids : Step by Step Drawing Lesson
Start off drawing Pidgey’s body by drawing an oval. Inside that oval, draw a much smaller oval (for Pidgey’s nose and then 2 triangles for Pidgey’s eyes.
Now draw 2 circles inside the triangles for Pidgey’s iris. Draw a ‘V’ in the smaller oval…this is Pidgey’s beak.
Now draw Pidgey’s eye brows…notice that they look like 2 large ‘V’s with much smaller ‘V’s at the top of the larger V’s.
Now draw an ‘M’ like shape on the top of Pidgey’s shape.
Now draw the fur / feathers under Pidgey’s beak.
Now draw a ‘C’ and a backwards ‘C’ at the side of each of Pidgey’s eyes.
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soo cool i love pokemon i love to draw pokemon
i love pigeot the last evolvotion of pidgey
me and my sister think he is cool and awsome
A exelent step by step of how to draw pidgey