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Step 7

Now refine the body of the turkey (basically a circle shape) as well as the basic shape of the turkey’s wings (basically rectangles).

Step 8

Now refine the shape of the turkey’s wings. If you draw a bunch of ‘V’ shapes at the end of the wings, you should be in pretty good shape.

Step 9

Now lightly draw the lines inside the half-circle for the back feathers.

Step 10

Now draw the curved feather markings…just a bunch of upside down ‘U’ type shapes like seen above.

Step 11

Now draw a bunch of upside down ‘3’s for the feather markings on the turkey’s body. Also draw lines inside the back feathers. Also draw the leg feathers as a bunch of squiggly lines or ‘M’ type shapes.

Step 12

for the feet, start of by making a ‘3’ type shape for each foot.

Step 13

Now draw a backwards type ‘3’ for each foot and connect each foot’s ‘3’ shapes together (as shown above). Also put little dash-like lines in each of the turkey’s feet.

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