Categories: Pokemon Characters

How to Draw Ash Ketchum from Pokemon : Step by Step Drawing Lesson

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Step 7

Now draw Ash’s ears. I drew a blue line to show you that the left ear starts at about the same point as the bottom of Ash’s nose. Draw a ‘3’ like shape in the left ear and a backwards ‘3’ like shape in the right ear. Also notice that the right ear is really big compared to the left ear.

Step 8

I drew the baseball cap in 2 different colors to show you that the cap is made up of 2 different letters….a Capital letter ‘D’ and a capital letter ‘C’.

Step 9

Now draw a bubble letter capital letter ‘L’  inside Ash’s hat. Also expand his hat by drawing the 2 red lines above.

Step 10

Now draw Ash’s pointy hair, made up of a bunch of zigzags. Notice that the right side of the hair ends a little below his hair and the left side of the hair ends at about the middle of the hair.

Step 11

I drew a blue line across Ash’s face to show you that the ball starts at about the same point as the bottom of Ash’s left eye. Draw the ball a bit smaller than Ash’s face.

Step 12

Now draw 3 circles in the middle of the ball. Also draw Ash’s five fingers…each of them an oval. Remember that each finger has a different size.

Step 13

Draw Ash’s sleeve.

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