Draw Spongebob Squarepants with Easy Step by Step Drawing Lesson

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Step 7

Now draw the first finger…a number ‘3’ and a backwards number ‘3’.

Step 8

Now draw the more fingers…draw 2 letter ‘J’s on the left (without the top line) and do the same on the right, except backwards.

Step 9

Now draw the last finger ..On the left draw a letter ‘s’ and on the right draw and upside down question mark (without the dot). Also draw the legs…2 long rectangle like shapes that are a bit curved.

Step 10

Draw a line in each leg for the top of the sock. Also draw a number ‘8’ like shape for each shoe.

Step 11

Now draw a tiny rectangle at the bottom of each shoe for the sole.

Step 12

Now lets draw Spongebob’s face and eyes. The green arrows aren’t to be drawn, they are just there to show you that from the top of Spongebob’s head to the bottom of his eyes is the same distance as the bottom of Spongebob’s eyes to the bottom of his tie. I just wanted to show you where to place they eyes.

Step 13

Now draw Spongebob’s nose (it sort of looks like an upside down letter ‘u’). Also draw Spongebob’s cheeks as 2 upside down letter ‘C’s with a few dots in each for freckles.

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