Drawing the human body has many approaches, especially in Manga / Anime where there are many different types of bodies that come in all shapes and sizes. Here is the most basic, easy and commonly used method for male Anime characters.
How to Draw Anime Body with Step by Step Tutorial for Drawing Male Manga Bodies
Step 1
Always start with a rough skeleton or stick figure.
Step 2
Add a rough sketch for the rib cage and pelvis.
Step 3
Flesh out the skeleton by outlining the human body.
Step 4
Remove or erase the rough skeleton.
Step 5
Add some details such as placing the eyes, nose, etc..as well as accenting the muscle creases.
Step 6
Now add hair and put details in to the fingers and toes.
Step 7 – Finished Drawing of an Anime / Manga Male Figure
Add shadows and color in the body now if you want to.
Technorati Tags: draw male anime body, drawing male anime body, draw male anime body, draw male manga body, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, how to draw, draw manga, draw anime, draw anime body, draw anime bodies, draw manga body, draw manga bodies
Great teaching that is really gonna help, thank you 👍
im only 10 doing art ill try my best 😀
thank you!!!!!!
This really helped a lot thank you!!!!
;-; oh no I’m writing in 2020 anyone still here? Or is it just me ;-;
nah buddy nah..
Thanks! I’m experimenting with drawing styles and this outline looked really helpful, and it is.
step 3 mess me up
Draw circles that covers all of
the sticks
This is awesome,im good at drawing bodies but, I’m still learning how to draw at that angle, so this helps alot
thanks.this helped a bit. it has bin hard to get males bodies right. my sister is way better at manga than me so i wanted to get better.:)
nice tutorial you did
Thank you so much! it helped me so much! I’m a 7th grader and also in focus art, and this totally helped me improve my skills!:D
Glad that it helped you!!!
hey that is really helpful ive been trying to draw the bodies but have had problems but that cleared it up a little more thanks ppl need to be more helpful like this and the world would be a little better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also i want to know how you got inspired. i was inspired by Naruto
Thanks for your great comments. The person who made these tutorials doesn’t work here anymore. Hopefully he will come back and see your great comments though. 🙂
it is also nice to see people creating stories. There is so many manga cartoons its hard to come up with one. but i have got a story line already with a help from my friend.
i think i’ll try different poses because i still can’t do this one. i am still trying.the hands, feet and shoulders i cant get right.
Wow i love this! I’ll use it and add diffrent features to make it completelly my own, Amazing style and it will help me with my characters for my story.
Thats great, Freya!!!
this is amazing. i just started drawing manga i think im getting the hang of it
It seems like everyone in the world except me can draw.
Tyler, don’t get down on yourself. The only thing that is different from you and somebody who draw better is that the other person practiced more. The more you draw, the better you will get. Chin up. 🙂
I like it, it waz hellpful. I like to add a little flavor to my own drawings though. 🙂 (hehe)
i am 14 years old and i love drawling i am so happy i found this website . even though i draw way better then this but it was good to see other peoples work and how they draw. 🙂
he is buff wow cool i like it so much i with it was real heehee
this drawing waz awesome!!!! helped me abunch 2 tnxx LOL XD
Glad it helped. 🙂
i am 12 years old and i am drawing manga like i have gone at the manga universite.this site is really helpful.
i love it
i think its a very good drawing. nicely done *claps for you* hehe ^///^
this the old outline… i need the new one….
wow….nice drawing….i love it
i forgot to type the word draw..hehe
the drawing is soooo coooool..i really love it.. i wish i could like that one..