Learn how to draw a cartoon duck with a hat, a bow tie, and a cane. This whimsical, comical cartoon character can be drawn by you if you follow the following easy step by step cartooning instructions. Kids, Teens, and adults alike can complete this drawing tutorial.
How to Draw Cartoon Ducks with Easy Step by Step Drawing Lesson
Step 1
Draw in line of action to establish the general stance of the figure. A line of action is an imaginary line that runs through the main action a character’s body. In other words, the line of action is the swing of the body in a particular pose…it is the main direction in which the body bends or stretches or leans. In the drawing above, the line of action is formed by the duck leaning on the cane.
Step 2
Rounded Masses for head and body are put into the drawing. The body looks like a lima bean and the head like an oval.
Step 3
Perspective lines around the masses are put in to establish front, side, tilt, etc. of body and head.
Step 4
Now arms, legs, and eyes are constructed or “anchored on” in their definite position to perspective lines. Draw an oval for each eye…one on either side of the vertical guideline that you drew in the previous step. Draw the left arm, which is bent, like a bubble letter ‘v’. The right arm is out straight. Draw the left leg out straight and the right leg is bent like a letter ‘v’. Draw each duck foot as a letter ‘u’ that is closed with a curved line. Draw each hand as an oval.
Step 5
Now draw an eye brow (as an upside down letter ‘u’) over each eye. Draw the duck’s hat as an upside down letter ‘u’ and draw the line that is in yellow – you can draw it as a number ‘8’ or just copy the line that you see above.
Step 6
Now draw the duck’s beack by drawing a lima bean like shape (highlighted in red). Then draw the purple and green lines.
Step 7
Now draw in some details, such as the fingers. Notice the on the right hand there are 2 number ‘3’ shapes (one highlighted in purple and the other in red). Draw a can as an upside down bubble letter ‘J’. On the left hand, I highlighted the number ‘3’ in purple. Draw the tail as a sideways letter ‘v’ (highlighted in green). Draw the collar of the shirt as an upside down capital letter ‘A’.
Step 8
Draw the buttons as circles. Draw the bow tie as a circle in the middle and a triangle on either side.
Step 9 – Finished Cartoon Duck with Cane and Hat
Now you just have to erase lines that you don’t need and outline the ‘correct’ lines with a pen or marker. If you are having problems figuring out which lines to erase, then reference the drawing (above) for help. With the thick outside dark marker line, darken the outside lines to make it look sharp. Doesn’t the comic styled duck look Awesome?!
Technorati Tags: duck, cartoon duck, comic duck, draw duck, how to draw duck, drawing duck, cartooning duck, how to draw cartoon duck, draw cartoon duck, drawing comics, draw comics, cartooning, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, drawing for kids
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By Amber williams