When you are outside playing in the woods or fields, you might happen to see tortoises or turtles. This is a great time to (while treating the turtle kindly) to observe the turtle and get your sketch pad out to draw him. (Of course, don’t touch the turtle unless your parents have given you permission.) Turtles have a great pattern on their shell. This drawing tutorial only gives simple, basic outline drawing instructions. Maybe we will give a more advanced drawing tutorial in the future.
How to Draw Turtles with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
First we will make the shell. First, lightly sketch a circle. Then draw an oval shape over the circle as if it were a crown (as seen above).
Now if we erase the bottom of the circle where the oval crossed over it, then you can see that an upside down bowl shape has been formed (in the black line).
And now we have a turtle shell. Just draw a ‘u’ like shape at the top of the shell and you will be ready for step #2.
Step 2
Now draw the turtle’s shell by drawing a sideways letter ‘v’ like shape at the back of the turtle’s shell.
Step 3
Now draw the back foot and the belly of the turtle by drawing a sideways letter ‘T’ shape (highlighted in pink) and a sideways letter ‘J'(highlighted in yellow).
Step 4
Now start drawing the turtle’s head at the front of the shell by drawing a backwards letter ‘c’ like shape.
Step 5
Draw a circle at the top right of the turtles head. Draw the front leg of the turtle by drawing a number ‘2’ (highlighted in red) and a letter ‘L’ shape (highlighted in green).
Step 6
Now draw the mouth of the turtle by drawing a sideways number ‘5’ shape.
Step 7 – Finished Drawing of a Turtle Illustration with Simple Step by Step Instructions
Now you can draw the pattern on the turtles back if you want to or just leave the pattern off.
How to Draw the Pattern on the Turtles Shell?
Technorati Tags: draw turtles, drawing turtles, how to draw turtles, turtles, draw cartoon turtles, drawing cartoon turtles, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, drawing step by step, drawing for kids
My name is Ragini . I am a child of class 3 . My mam has said to draw a turtle so it was nice to draw and I draw it perfectly . thank you.
I love the drawing because when I draw it it looks real.
Nice job!✌️ I
This was so good. I tried and did it perfectly. i recommend people to try this a t home!
I didn’t. Use it it sucked i would rather use a kid one just kidding I liked it
My friend was sad so I drew her favorite things which are turtles, mustaches, and bacon. She LOVED the drawing and I made her happy!!!
I LOVE TURTLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was very helpful. Thanks
thanks! i need this for a project at school! 🙂 i love turtles
It worked perfecty
i ended up with a great turtle. Thanks!!!
didnt help really my turtle looks angry…
This was nice, it halped me lots and i drawed a good turlte with lotz of details
this was very helpful thanks alot
thank you so much 😀
this has helped a lot !! 😀
i hate it more than i hate it lol just kiddin i love it
I like this! 😀