Do you want to learn how to draw comic cartoon dogs / hounds? Below you will find out how to cartoon an adorable dog with easy step by step drawing lesson suitable for kids, teens, and adults alike.
How to Draw Cartoon Dogs / Hounds with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
First, start cartooning the dog, hound with the following stick-like figure.
Step 2
Now start building the solid mass around the stick figure legs and the body as well.
Step 3
Now start building up the details of the cartoon dog’s face, such as the ear (the shape of a letter ‘u’), the cheeks / jowls (also the shapes of letter ‘u’s), as well as the nose (a circle like shape).
Step 4
Now draw in more details, such as the eye, an oval.Also draw the shadow under the comic dog.
Step 5
Now draw in more details, such as the wrinkled skin on the dog. Also draw the bottom lip of the mouth, the tail and the iris / pupil of the eye.
Step 6
Now just erase lines that you don’t need and darken the correct lines (look at the above pictures to figure out which lines are correct).
Technorati Tags: draw cartoon dogs, drawing cartoon dogs, how to draw cartoon dogs, draw comic dogs, cartoon dogs, comic dogs, draw cartoon dog, draw cartoon characters, draw cartoon animals, how to draw, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, step by step drawing, drawing in steps, drawing for kids
This is a good thing what you are doing, such as lean how to draw, me to, I love drawing but I do not know much about maybe if I practice more I will get better, thank you.