Today, I have put together two different cherry drawing lessons…one is for drawing cartoon cherries and the other is to draw more illustrated / realistic cherries with stems and leaves coming off a branch. These tutorials are great for kids, teens, and adults, using simple shapes and easy steps to get to the end result. Have fun.
How to Draw Cherries with 2 Simple Step by Step Drawing Lessons
Cartoon Cherry Drawing Tutorial 1 : Step 1
First, draw a sideways number ‘8’ like shape (or two circles).
Step 2
Next turn the circle into heart-like shapes by making the bottom of the circle come to a point and the top to come to a point as in a number ‘3’.
Step 3
Draw a highlight on each cherry by drawing 2 inward curved lines and then connecting them as pictured above.
Step 4 : Finished Cherries
Now you can see how the finished cartoon cherry should look.
Drawing Cherries Tutorial 2 : Step 1
Start off your drawing by drawing a sideways letter ‘T’ like shape. Then draw curved lines coming down for the cherry’s stems.
Step 2
Now draw circles at the end of each stem.
Step 3 : Finished Cherries on Branch with Leaf
Draw a leaf and shade in the cherries and branch as seen above and you have cherries.
Technorati Tags: draw cherries, draw cherry, how to draw cherries, how to draw a cherry, cherries, cherry, how to draw, drawing, drawing cherries, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, drawing step by step
It looks like the drawing that i made
The 1st one is soooo easy!! Try it out !!