Do you want to learn how to draw a rooster (a male chicken) playing a lute? Here is your chance? Learn how to draw cartoon roosters in simple instructional steps. Have fun.
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How to Draw Cartoon Roosters with Easy Step by Step Drawing Lesson
Step 1
Step 1) Draw an egg-shape for the rooster’s body and a circle for the head
Step 2
Step 2) Draw the neck and the legs.
Step 3
Step 3) Draw the eye and two circles for the sleeves (notice that the right circle is a bit upper than the left one). Erase the lines we won’t need anymore
Step 4
Step 4) Now draw the mandolin (notice it’s deck shape – just like almond). Draw a line through the center of the head – that will be the beak.
Step 5
Step 5) Continue with the beak and when done, erase all the lines that we don’t need anymore. Continue with the mandolin’s shape.
Step 6
Step 6) Finish the mandolin. Then, draw the crest, the beard, and the feet.
Step 7
Step 7) Now, draw the hand (notice where the lines start and where they cross other lines). Erase all the lines that we don’t need anymore.
Step 8
Step 8) Draw the shorts, the collar and continue with the sleeve
Step 9
Step 9) Now, draw the other hand and the tail. Don’t forget to clean up our drawing – erase the lines and marks that we don’t need anymore.
Step 10
Step 10) Continue adding more detail to the other sleeve and to the tail. Clean up your drawing – it should look neat – make all the lines smooth and clear, erase all auxiliary marks and lines.
Step 11
We are ready to get down to coloring! 🙂
Step 12
If you want to colorize your rooster, use crayons, colored pencils, pastels, watercolors, or anything else you want to color him in with.
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Technorati Tags: roosters, draw roosters, drawing roosters, how to draw roosters, draw chickens, drawing chickens, how to draw chickens, draw hens, drawing hens, how to draw hens, how to draw, drawing lessons, drawing tutorials, drawing step by step, drawing for kids
This is the rooster from “Robin Hood”!