Today I will show you how to draw Robin from Teen Titans … which used to be a show on Cartoon Network. In this show Robin (you might know him as Batman’s sidekick) is just a teenager. I drew Robin in our new Online Drawing App so you can Watch Me Draw Robin in this Drawing Video. You can watch the tutorial play there or look below for the written out drawing lesson.
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How to Draw Robin from Teen Titans with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
Firstly, draw the basic shapes that make up Robin’s head and face….a circle and a ‘v’ like shape for the chin…a backwards letter ‘c’ for the right ear and a number ’11’ for the chin.
Step 2
Draw the left eye part of the mask (look like a sideways letter ‘J’ that is then closed up by a downwards curved line..doesn’t it?)
Step 3
Draw the right side of Robin’s mask eye…it is slightly bigger.
Step 4
Now draw the inside eyes of the mask…this is where the hole in the mask is so Robin can see.
Step 5
Draw the nose – a sideways letter ‘v’ and the mouth as well as a curved line above the mask.
Step 6
Draw the shape inside the ear a sideways letter ‘E’ like shape.
Step 7
Start drawing out the face shape. Draw the ‘v’ neck on his costume…and draw zig-zag like shapes for the hair, as I did.
Step 8
Draw arm sleeves.
Step 9
Draw a bubble letter ‘R’, 3 ovals for the laces…draw the cape lines as well.
Step 10
Draw a rectangle around Robin.
Step 11
Start blocking in some basic colors.
Step 12
Add darks for shadows and lighter colors for highlights. Also add a red background but leave a little white glove outside of Robin for a cool effect.
Step 13
Darken up the outlines in the comic-book style and your Robin will look super cool. You have to show this one off to your friends and family..they will be super impressed. I hope that you liked this tutorial. Make sure to watch me draw this exact picture in the following video.
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Technorati Tags: teen titans, teen titens, draw teen titans, drawing teen titans, teen titans characters, draw robin, drawing robin, draw robin from teen titans, drawing robin from teen titans, robin from teen titans, super heroes, comics, draw comics, drawing for kids, drawing cartoons, cartooning
is it ok if i use a pen i dont have much drawing stuff
great way of telling instructions. Thanks to you i finally drew a correct robin!! Thanks for posting instructions on how to draw robin on the internet!! i so owe you one!!
You’re welcome. How about you upload your picture below so we can see it. 🙂