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Today we will show you how to draw Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars The Clone Wars with easy-to-follow, step by step, illustrated instructions. Anakin Skywalker, later known as Darth Vader, leads the clone army of the Republic against the Separists. The force is strong with this young Jedi. This is the cartoon network tv show that has gained so many young Star Wars fans. Find out how to draw young Anakin below. You Might Also Like Our Other Star Wars Character Tutorials.
Drawing Anakin Skywalker from Cartoon Network’s Star Wars The Clone Wars Cartoon Tutorial
Step 1
Start off Anakin by drawing circles, lines, rectangles and ovals to draw a basic shape. Do this lightly as you will be erasing them at the end.
Step 2
Draw more rectangles to give his shape to arms, legs and a lightsaber.
Step 3
Now draw legs, boots and his outfit shape.
Step 4
Now add more outfit details.
Step 5
Draw upper body and arms shape.
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How old are you admin? BTW, Anakin is my ALL TIME FAVORITE jedi!!!! I’m a STAR WARS FREAK YA’LL!!!!!
yeah yeah!!!!!