Today we will show you how to draw Mewtwo from Pokemon. Mewtwo is a Psychic-type character and one of the stars from the first movie and from Generation I. Learn how to draw Mewtwo with the following simple step to step tutorial.
More Pokemon Drawing Tutorials
How to Draw Mewtwo from Pokemon with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
Start with a half oval, sort of a flat bean shape.
Step 2
Then draw a smaller circle underneath.
Step 3
Extend downwards to form a kidney shaped body.
Step 4
Draw the arms after. Use circles for shoulders and straight lines for arms.
Step 5
For Mewtwo’s legs, use lemon shapes for the upper leg, and flat ovals for the feet.
Step 6
Now draw the outline of his tail.
Step 7
Let’s draw his face now. Add the horns on top, and a tear shaped eyes.
Step 8
Draw the detail for his body. He has a thick chest plate and rounded out edges.
Step 9
Next are the arms and fingers. Mew only has 3 fingers.
Step 10
Now do the feet. 2 toes and a nub for the ankles.
Finished Drawing
Give it a thick border outline and darken any details and you are finished. I hope that this tutorial helped you to draw Mewtwo from Pokemon and that you had a lot of fun 🙂
More Pokemon Drawing Tutorials
Technorati Tags: How to draw Mewtwo from Pokemon, How to draw Mewtwo, Mewtwo, Drawing Mewtwo, how to draw pokemon, drawing pokemon, Pokemon, Pokemon Characters
I messed up on the hand
Wow, fantastic tutorial! Mine even turned out decent thanks to you!
wow, I like it! 🙂
very nice~
I’like your Drawing and your Fabelous Step! I have share it. To my Friend!