Today we will show you how to draw a goat face. Learn how to draw a side view of a goat face with the following simple step to step lesson.
How to Draw a Goat Face with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial
Step 1
Start by drawing a number ‘6’ shape.
Step 2
Then draw a letter ‘J’ shape.
Step 3
Draw a letter ‘U’ like shape.
Step 4
Draw a second letter ‘U’ shape.
Step 5
Draw a a number ‘2’ shape and a question mark (?) shape.
Step 6
Draw the other horn and a letter ‘V’ shape ear. Then draw two question mark (?) shapes around the eye and a number ‘6’ shape nose.
Step 7
Finally add some details to your drawing.
Finished Drawing
I hope that this tutorial helped you to draw a goat face and that you had a lot of fun 🙂
Technorati Tags: How to draw a Goat Face, Goat Face, How to Draw a Goat, Goat, Drawing Animals, how to draw, drawing lessons, drawing tutorial, drawing for kids, cartooning
Thank you so much for this drawing lesson, I love your (Billy?) goat head, side view.
And I love goats!
I need a thumbnail for myself for my web-novel submission, so, if you don’t mind, I will draw a freehand sketch using your lesson, and others, as a references. I will be posting the finished drawing on ‘Deviant Art’. Please let me know if you would rather not have me use your materials as a reference, and I will use something different.
(I also have to submit a book cover! More ‘Art’!, Eeek!)