1. admin…..
    do u make all the art on this website?
    if so…
    You are really amazing. And if you made this website… You are so important to me! Because over time, you have helped me find my inner artist! and thanks to you and some people on youtube, I can now draw efficiently, and im even impressing a professional artist! you are so helpful….. I love how ur able to draw anything so simply, yet so amazing.
    lots of love, and thank you, Heather. ^-^

  2. admin…..
    do u make all the art on this website? if so……You are really amazing.You are so helpful for me, as I have trouble drawing. thx to u and some ppl on yt, I can draw perfectly, and even a professional artist thinks my art is amazing! thanks so much! ^-^
    lots of love, and thank you, from heather.

  3. thank you so much!!!
    If you drew the pokemon above you are such an amazing artist! You are really amazing. I think your talent is drawing! And if you made this picture you are so sweet because the children that have a hard time drawing this will help them! You are so sweet!

    Your friend, Heather. ^^

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