The Penguins of Madagascar is a Nickelodeon cartoon show that comes from the Movie Madagascar. Today, I am teaching you how to draw Mort, a Mouse Lemur, from Penguins of Madagascar. I have put together an easy step by step drawing tutorial that builds up Mort’s form with simple shapes. Not only will young kids be able to do this, but also teens and adults will enjoy it as well. Find the easy Mort drawing lesson & instructions below. Good luck.
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How to Draw Mort from Penguins of Madagascar Step by Step Drawing Instructions Tutorial
Step 1
Start out by drawing Mort’s face with a sideways oval. Find the center with vertical and horizontal line through the center, as pictured above.
Step 2
Now, find the center of the left half and the right half, as pictured above.
Step 3
Now draw circles for each eye…the dashed line means that it will be erased later.
Step 4
Now draw a smaller circle within the first circle for the iris. Draw a tiny circle on the top left side of each iris, for the pupil.
Step 5
Now draw multiple small lines all along the top of both eye. Draw a line under each eye, as seen above.
Step 6
Now draw multiple small lines below the line that you drew in the previous step. Also draw the eye brows and a line above the inside of each eye.
super easy and cute
crazy draw
too difficult………….but succeeded cute too
cool, I can draw mort and julien now. I was looking for it and now I find! I’m so happy!!!
dui second girl
Hi, very good info. I went ahead and book-marked at Digg because I think its really worth sharing. Keep them coming.
cute but not so much
OMG SO CUTE!!!!! wow I am OBSESSED with Mort–the first time I saw Madacascar, I CRIED because he was so cute!!! AMAZING DRAWING!
THe draw while you learn is awesome!
😛 😀 :j :0 🙂
THe draw while you learn is awesome!
😛 😀 :j :0 🙂
I’m glad you like it – you are the first to say something nice about it. 🙂
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey Thanks thats super cute I love it I drew it for a friend ! SHE IS GUNNA LUV IT !!
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awww sooo cute!!!!!!!