Do you want to learn how to draw Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons? I have put together a step-by-step tutorial that will help you figure out how to draw Lisa Simpson by using simple shapes to build up Lisa’s form. This is an intermediate cartooning tutorial that kids, teens, and adults will enjoy. Even some younger children might be able to draw Lisa Simpson if you stand by to help with the instructions. Enjoy! You Might Also Be Interested in Drawing Home Simpson and Maggie Simpson … and Lisa Simpson
The above picture of a cartoon Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons is what we will be drawing step by step today. Find this drawing tutorial below. Get out a piece of paper, a pencil, and a black marker. Good luck.
Step 1
Take out your piece of paper and your pencil..we are about to sketch. Look at the picture above. I know that this doesn’t look anything like the finished Lisa Simpson picture that we are attempting to draw…but I will explain why the picture above looks so strange. Well, what I was trying to show you (in the picture above) was that Lisa is made up of a bunch of simple shapes. Take a look at the image above and attempt to draw the simple-shaped Lisa Simpson. Don’t worry about mistakes because you can erase these later. Later, you will be using a pen or marker to outline the ‘right’ lines.
Step 2
Now I zoomed in on Lisa’s face. The blue lines are to show you where to place the eye. I drew 2 blue lines to separate the circle in half vertically and horizontally. Draw a circle that is mostly in the upper left quadrant …. but that is big enough to be in all of the quadrants. Notice that the pupil sits on the horizontal blue line.
Step 3
Now lets draw Lisa’s nose and mouth. Again, I drew blue lines to show you placement. I put a blue line to the right, to the left, and along the bottom of the eye to show you how the nose and mouth line up with the eye that you already drew. The nose looks like a backwards ‘C’ and as you can see where it starts and ends by looking at the blue reference line. The center of the nose is along the horizontal line that lines up with the bottom of the eye. Now draw a big backwards capital letter ‘J’ that starts at the center of the nose and goes all the way to the vertical line that lines up with the left side of Lisa’s eye.
Step 4
Now lets draw Lisa Simpson’s right eye. Again, I drew blue lines to show you placement. The right side of the eye lines up wtih the right side of Lisa’s mouth. I wanted to show you that the top of the right eye isn’t straight across from the top of the left eye…notice that it slants slightly downwards…the same is true about Lisa’s pupils. However, the bottom of the right eye is slightly lower than the point that the nose and lip meet.
Step 5
Now lets draw Lisa’s ear, which is the shape of a ‘C’. I drew the blue horizontal line to show you that the top of the ear is at about the same point of the bottom of Lisa’s left eye. Draw a capital letter ‘T’ in Lisa’s ear. Also draw a line coming down from the ear (but not quite touching) for Lisa’s neck. Also draw the bottom of Lisa’s mouth…this starts at about the same point of the right side of Lisa’s left eye.
Step 6
The horizontal blue line that I drew is to show you where Lisa’s hair starts. The hair starts at about the same point of Lisa’s pupil (in the right eye). You can draw Lisa’s hair in the same fashion that you would draw a bunch of capital letter ‘M’s. Follow the curve of Lisa’s head to make the points look ‘right’. The M’s stop at about the same point as Lisa’s bottom lip.
shut up jessy and mine didnt work i have this person in my class and he says rude stuff about me and i just tell him to shut up and grow up thats wat jessy should do cause she is mean.
I know jessy saud something rude but now your saying more rude things about her.please stop
jessy u r wack what name is jessy. Oh look im jessy. I think im so cool but im not.shh dont tell. I love raphael thats why imm teasing him of his name. Raphael is a better name then jessy.
mine came out lobsided?!?!
Once again that jessy girl is being rude I’m just gonna stop tellin her about it but her mum and dad need to do something other wise she will grow up thinking that is how u can act to other people. I also don’t think she’s not 10 I think she’s much much older and I think she should be banned from this so please jessy( if that is ur real name) stop being so rude to other people and get a life.
I do agree that people need to start treating other people better. I can’t imagine why anybody would want to hurt somebody else’s feelings. I hope my children grow up to be just as sweet as you, you are a sweet child. 🙂
jessy stop hating cuz rachel is a better name than jessy anyway u stupid hater
this is cool, creative and fun!!!!!!!!
rapheal. wat kinda name is dat. i bet u get bullyed in school cuz of dat name. who called u dat anyway. it was urmum wasnt it well tellur mum that she sucks at names!!!
i love it
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