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Now draw squiggly lines on the top of Santa’s head (for Santa’s eyebrows).

Now draw 2 sideways letter ‘U’s (for Santa’s mittens) and then draw a backwards letter ‘C’ on the left mitten (for Santa’s thumbs) and a letter ‘C’ on the right mitten.

Now draw Santa Clause’s arms and sleeves by drawing a letter ‘C’ for Santa’s left arm and a backwards letter ‘C’ for Santa’s right arm. At the bottom of each letter ‘C’ draw a rectangle connected to Santa’s mittens (for Santa’s sleeves). Look at the above picture to see what I am telling you to do.

Now draw 2 big lines and one small line (slanted inwards) for Santa’s pants.

Now draw the top of Santa Clause’s shoes.

Draw a line connecting the top of Santa’s shoes together. Also draw a straight line down.

Now draw Santa Clause’s belt. Draw a curved ‘U’ like shape from the bottom of one mitten to the other. Then draw another ‘U’ like shape from the middle of one mitten to the middle of the other mitten. In the middle of the belt make 2 squares (for the belt buckle).

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