How to Draw Cartoon Facial Expressions : Crying, Sobbing, Weeping

This is the eleventh tutorial in a large series of tutorials on drawing facial expressions or silly faces. This particular lesson is on how to draw a cartoon boy who is extremely sad about something. He is sobbing, with tears welling up in his eyes and running down his face. We have broken this tutorial down to many steps, so hopefully, it is easy enough for you to learn how to draw.
How to Draw Cartoon Facial Expressions : Irritated, Agitated, Angry Faces

This is the tenth tutorial in a large series of tutorials on drawing facial expressions or silly faces. This particular lesson is on how to draw a cartoon boy who is pretty darn annoyed, aggravated, irritated, or even angry. We have broken this tutorial down to many steps, so hopefully, it is easy enough for you to learn how to draw.
How to Draw a Cute Cartoon Kawaii Girl Doing a Handstand from the Letter “H” Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial for Kids

Today I'll show you how to draw a cute cartoon girl doing a handstand from the uppercase letter "H" shape. This is a very easy drawing tutorial that we have made so simple by using simple geometric shapes, alphabet letters and numbers to guide you through the process. This lesson is great for children of all ages.
How to Draw Cute Chibi / Kawaii Characters with Number 3 Shapes – Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial for Kids and Beginners

Learn how to draw cute kawaii characters - these are animals and include a cute kawaii bumble bee, puppy doggy, bear, and a racoon. These are all drawn from the number three shape and are very, very easy to draw. These are great drawing tutorials for little kids, preschoolers, kindergartners, first graders, and all the way up to high schoolers and grown ups because these are so cute...who cares how old you are. Have fun!
How to Draw Hamtaro the Cartoon Pet Hamster with Simple Drawing Tutorial

Today we will show you how to draw the cartoon pet hamster called Hamtaro (in Japan, he is called Tottoko Hamutaro). this was a Japanese anime cartoon that was on about ten years ago, and I think still airs today (maybe with reruns though). The main cartoon character in this series is a hamster named Hamtaro. In this cartoon, Hamtaro plays with other adorable hamsters. I hope you enjoy drawing him below...the step by step process should guide you thru the process easily. Have fun.
How to draw Owen from Total Drama Island, Action, and World Tour Series with Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial

Today we will show you how to draw Owen, the overweight Party Guy from both Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, and Total Drama World Tour. Owen was the first ever season winner of the Total Drama cartoon series. In the following tutorial, we will guide you step by step to drawing Owen. We do this by breaking up the shapes of the character into easier shapes. Have fun.