How to Draw Couple’s Hands Holding a Heart for Valentine’s Day Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial

Today I'll show you how to draw a guy and a girl holding a heart with their hands for Valentine's Day. You will learn how to draw two hands that are cupped together holding and forming a heart to represent love on Valentine's Day. We will guide you through the steps here as we try to make it as easy as possible for you.
How to Draw a Hand Holding a Cell Phone / iPhone in Easy Step by Step Drawing Tutorial

Today I'm going to show you how to draw someone holding a cell phone / iPhone / smart phone in their hand. Since everyone seems to be carrying smart phones / cell phones every where they go, I figured you might want to learn how to draw one. This is also a great lesson for teaching you how to draw an iPhone / cell phone in someone's hand. I have broken down this tutorial into many steps in order to make it as easy as possible for you to learn how to draw.
How to Draw a Hand Gripping Something with Easy to Follow Steps

Hands are probably the hardest parts of the body to draw. That is why I have decided to add a few hand drawing tutorials. In this tutorial I will show you how to draw a hand gripping an item. The fingers and thumb are wrapping around this object and firmly holding it in place. I will guide you thru the step by step process of drawing this hand holding the object.
How to Draw Hands and Fingers in Manga Anime Illustration Style : Drawing Tutorial

Today I will show you methods to drawing illustrated hands and fingers. Although I call this a Manga / Anime drawing lesson, it applies to cartooning and illustration as well. The following tutorial includes several approaches to drawing hands, fingers, as well as the differences between male and female hands. Have fun.
Guide to Drawing Cartoon Hands : Reference for Cartooning Comic Hands in Different Gestures and Poses

If you have problems drawing cartoons because you have issues with drawing the hands in different poses, then you aren't alone. My biggest problem is with drawing hands. Use the following guide to hold on to this page by printing it out or by bookmarking it on your computer. Now anytime you have to draw cartoon / comic hands in different gestures, you can just reference this hands posing sheet.
Drawing Hands : How to Draw Comic / Cartoon Hands with Easy Steps

The hand is one of the hardest parts of the body to draw...but the comic / cartoon hand can be fairly simple. The cartoon hands that we are showing you today have 5 fingers, but many cartoon hands, only have 3 or 4 fingers. Draw your cartoon characters the way that you feel the most comfortable. However, today is a good day to learn how to draw hands in different positions. There are progressive, step by step drawing / cartooning lessons below.
How to Draw Cartoon Hands and Fingers with Easy Step by Step Cartooning Lessons

The cartoonist must know the construction and appearance of the different types of hands before he can use them effectively in a cartoon. Possibly the best way to learn to draw hands in the hundred and one positions that they can assume, is by using your own hands as models and sketching them in all the different positions you can think of. However, there are so many different types of hands, that I have shown a number of them for you to study.